I started off the day by scratching off bits of extra ink off of a set of business cards and then packaged them up for shipment. I packaged a second job of business cards to be shipped to Alabama. I mixed my first Pantone (PMS) ink. It was relatively simple after you do it the first time. The scale that we use to weight the portions of colors needed is so sensitive that we have to turn all of the fans off. After that, I set up one of the presses for a job to be printed on a later day. It's amazing how much there is to remember through the entire printing process, it is easy to forget something!
Day 8
I mixed several PMS inks for a few jobs that we will be printing soon. Bob and I talked over my project for the summer and what it can entail. It looks as though I'll be doing a quick "Get Well" card as my mom will be having brain surgery next week. Also, I will be designing and printing business cards for myself and maybe print a few of my drawings to make cards.
Day 9
First thing, I boxed up masters and prepped a press with ink and paper. I developed two polymer plates, one for business cards and one of a daisy for my "Get well" card. I blocked in the words "Get well" and the daisy plate on the older Vandercook press and will print the card next week. I went ahead and picked out the ink colors I will be using for the card; a light yellow for the daisy and a periwinkle for the words. During lunch I showed Bob a few drawings and concepts I developed for other cards and business cards that I'd like to do for my project(s). I ended up with great feed back, a few books to look through for inspiration, and Bob expressing that I need to further my drawings. He said that the symmetry and unique drawings would work really well for boarders and letterpress printing in general. It looks as though for the business cards I will print 4 per page which will allow for me to have a few different designs.
Working on the press during the first week. Photo cred. Bob Atkins
This is what the "get well" card looks like on the press.
Concept for a card.
Concept for one of my business cards.
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