Friday, September 4, 2015

The Eagles Have Landed!

This marks my final semester at Pittsburg State University and I will be concluding my college career in a rewarding way! For a little background, in the spring of 2014 I managed to restore a Vandercook No. 2 Proof Press and more recently found two more unused letterpresses on campus. My advisor applied for grants to fund the restoration of these two "new" presses in which we were fully funded. With the help of these intuitive and gracious individuals, our "eagles" landed this week!

Alongside the Vandercook No. 2 Proof Press, we now have a Potter Proof Press and a Vandercook Universal. I hope to have these fully restored by the beginning of November as I will be teaching a two week workshop in the current printmaking course.

Stay tuned for updates on the restoration! To read more about the first restoration that I completed, click on the "Letterpress" tab to view all of the blog posts. Enjoy!